Job title: Software Developer
Location: Bologna/Ravenna
Seniority: Senior
Requested skills and experience:
• Knowledge of Spring Injection and Spring Web Flow – version 2.4
• knowledge of Hibernate – v. 5
• Good knowledge of Javascript, JSON and jQuery – v. 1.9, SQL, in the specific Oracle, iText – v.5, PL / SQL, jsp, OGNL and JSTL – v. 1.1 à OGNL and JSTL, Axis 2, Apache Tiles – v. 3, Struts 1.2
• DB Oracle Knowledge
• PLSQL Knowledge
• Oracle Forms Knowledge
• ADF knowledge
• Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)
• Knowledge of English
• Diploma or degree in computer science
What we offer:
In support of our customers’ business strategies, you will be involved in a software development activity using programming languages designed to:
• Analyze, test, implement, and maintain application software
• Understand the technical issues and identify any intervention measures
• Develop, on the basis of technical analysis provided by an analyst, changes to the software in the light of the specific requirements and requirements reported.
• Perform debugging checks of previously developed programs and verify their functioning.
• Releasing any changes made to the customer’s environments.
RAL range: > 35.000€
To apply for this job position please send us an email at: