Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 3 | Room 4 | Room 5 | Room 6 | Room 8 | Room 9 | Room 10 |
08:30 / 09:40 | Doors Open |
09:40 / 09:50 | Opening by Codemotion |
09:50 / 10:20 | Keynote
09:50: / 10:15: - Room 4 - The Future of Functions by Lorna Mitchell (IBM) - Cloud/Bigdata
10:30 / 11:10 | Keynote
10:30: / 11:10: - Room 4 - A More Human Industry by Jessica Rose (FutureLearn) - Inspirational
11:10 / 11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:30 / 12:10 |
The 10 Container Security Tricks That Will Help You Sleep At Night
Justin Cormack (Docker)
Microservices in Go using Micro
Brian Ketelsen (Microsoft)
How much performance can you get out of Javascript?
Massimiliano Mantione (Hyperfair)
Blockchain and smart contracts, what they are and why you should really care about as a developer
Stefano Maestri (Red Hat)
The dark side of deep learning
Simone Scardapane (University of Rome "La Sapienza")
Building UI Consistent Android Apps
Nicola Corti (Yelp Inc.)
Hello ARCore
Giovanni Laquidara (Tui Group)
Microservices: 5 things I wish I'd known
Vincent Kok (Atlassian)
Introducing structure in Clojure
Jan Stępień (INNOQ)
12:30 / 13:10 |
Serverless for the Enterprise
Rafal Gancarz (Starbucks)
La monetizzazione delle API
Francesco Arcieri (Olivetti)
SMACK is the new LAMP!
Mario Cartia (Agile Skill), Cosma Damiano De Angelis (arch4energy)
Pentesting ChatOps
Melanie Rieback (Radically Open Security)
Programmazione reattiva con Rx e C#
Antonio Esposito (TNX)
Beyond JavaScript Frameworks: Writing Reliable Web Apps With Elm
Erik Wendel (BEKK Consulting)
Machine Learning with R
Barbara Fusinska (Katacoda)
Walking Around: The Quest for lost Gameplay
Mattia Traverso (Freelancer)
Microservices and containers networking: Contiv, deep dive and demo
Luca Relandini (Cisco Systems)
13:10 / 14:10 | Lunch |
14:10 / 14:50 |
Container and microservices: a love story
Thomas Rossetto (SeeSaw)
Above and beyond type systems with clojure.spec
Carlo Sciolla (Code Hopper)
Apprendi un nuovo linguaggio sfruttando il TDD e il Clean Code
Joe Bew (XPeppers)
Sviluppo con piattaforme Container-native e Serverless: un approccio Open Source
Gabriele Provinciali (Oracle), Gabriele Folchi (oracle), Luca Postacchini (Oracle)
Securing Deliveroo
Greg Beech (Deliveroo)
Quella sporca dozzina (a cascata)
Davide Di Pumpo (TOT)
Demystifying Constraint Layout
James Williams (Udacity)
Implementing Machine Learning the Unity way
Ciro Continisio (Unity Technologies)
API Release Process: how to make people happy
Annarita De Biase (Soldo), Camillo Quatrini (Hotels.com), Miro Barsocchi (Hotels.com)
15:10 / 15:50 |
Reactive programming in Java
Mario Fusco (Red Hat)
Costruire una Community: "What You Give is What You Get"
Francesco Malatesta (Laravel-Italia)
From 1 to infinity: how to scale your tech organization, build a great culture and keep your sanity.
Federico Feroldi (Team per la Trasformazione Digitale)
Building serverless applications on the Apache OpenWhisk platform
Lucio Grenzi (freelance)
Monitoring Big Data Systems Done "The Simple Way"
Demi Ben-Ari (Panorays)
Mythical trees and where to find them
Gabriele Petronella (buildo)
REST, for real!
Vincenzo Chianese (Microsoft)
Integrazione Audio per la VR: l'esperienza su Theseus
Davide Pensato (dpstudios), Alberto Barbati (Forge Reply)
Git stories from the front line
Nicola Iarocci (CIR2000)
15:50 / 16:20 | Networking Coffee |
16:20 / 17:00 |
What Service Workers can do
Maurizio Mangione (Boolean)
Kubernetes Beyond
Andrea Tosatto (Open-Xchange)
Learn how to build decentralized and serverless html5 applications with EmbarkJS, Ethereum and IPFS
Alessandro Confetti (ThoughtWorks)
L'approccio ai microservizi secondo Service Fabric
Massimo Bonanni (Microsoft)
ARKit: Augmented Reality made simple
Maurizio Moriconi (Mobilesoft)
L'impatto del design sulle scelte tecniche: Il caso All-Star Fruit Racing
Francesco Bruschi (3DClouds.it)
17:20 / 18:00 | Closing Keynote
17:20: / 18:00: - Room 4 - Collaborative Development: The Only CD That Matters by Brent Beer (GitHub) - Inspirational
18:00 / 18:20 | Closing by Codemotion |